Sunday, April 6, 2008

Interview with a Reader: Part 1

Hey there! Soooo we're really really behind in our blogging project but this is mainly due the difficulty of our subjects: We're interviewing a fanfiction reader, a writer, and a webmaster of a fanfiction website! Though at this point, I think we only have the reader interviewed...

Here's part one of the interview I did with our avid reader. There's two other parts on the way. If you're wondering how we recorded this, it was by Skype! Skype is an internet videophone system that allows you to call someone else's computer and chat to them! The great thing about it is that it doesn't cost any long distance fees (it's all on the internet and is sort of a more sophisticated version of instant messaging). So our interview was over Skype, but my interviewee was actually over in the room beside me while we were talking. It was quite odd not being able to see the person you were asking questions to but knowing (and hearing) that they were right in the room beside you! How very transhorizon of us. Did I just butcher that word? Yes, yes I did. But I digress.

The interview:

Edit: ah the joys of the internet. Apparently I have to link this in from a newly created filespace program. Chances are that it won't be up for very long.. a month at most. Um, I hope it works?

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