On fanfiction.net there are 344,628 different stories available to be read about Harry Potter. So it's pretty obvious that not every single one of these are going to be astoundingly original. I found a video on youtube that was actually quite funny. (
http://youtube.com/watch?v=09Hi1VVSh9g) In it a girl talks about all the common scenarios she has read that have to do with a Draco/Hermione love affair. She said that she was able to come up with at least 26 repeated themes. Some of these include: Hermione becoming a pureblood, an emotional breakdown, a mascarade ball, detention (stuck in potions class together), hermione gets pregnant with Draco's baby, etc... At one point the video-blogger says "believe it or not people actually write this", sometimes it's hard for me to understand the motivation behind a lot of these fanfictions other than humour. I suppose though, when you are really attached to a work of art you feel the need to reproduce it in your own way. Anyway, I thought this video was funny and interesting in relation to Harry Potter fanfiction.
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