Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The usual thought associated with fanfiction is that it is a written work of fiction based on another work. There are tons of available "original" writing surrounding this idea. However, with the rise in popularity of youtube, a new form of fan fiction is being created. In some cases parodies are made using characters and ideas that rise from Harry Potter. Such as "Harry Potter: Bad Roomate" (, which has had 275, 543 hits since being added in August. Another popular youtube video is for a fanfiction writer to create a trailor for their writing (much like a movie trailor but for a work of fanfiction). Adding even more depth, or perhaps credibility to their creations. I found this video: ( as one example. Authors are not sticking strictly to writing only, they are using a whole new technology to add to their initial creation. This shows that people are putting a lot of time and energy into these pieces of writing. One final video option of fanfiction is not as creative as the others. It it simply a video of a bunch of movie-stills mashed together with background music. An example is "Bad Boys in Harry Potter Films" ( It seems that all you need is an editing program, devotion, and time to create these videos. Yet, they are a tad more involved then the "simple" task of writing a fan fiction.

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